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Kickball Tournament Success!

This past Saturday NENA hosted its 4th annual Great Nokomis Kickball Tournament & Fundraiser! We have a kickball dynasty in our neighborhood as the EHS Hospitality Pineapples won their THIRD straight championship! They hung on to beat Kicking Them Softly 4-3 in the closest championship game yet!! EHS avenged an earlier loss in the day to Kicking Them Softly, who reached the Championship game for their first time after taking 3rd place back in 2021.

Congratulations to the Pineapples for winning this year's tournament!

It was an exciting event as we welcomed new teams from Powderhorn Park and Corcoran and T.O.U.C.H. Outreach! Those teams mixed with our local Nokomis East squads truly made this a day to bring together all of south Minneapolis. Most importantly we raised $650 for the Renter Support Fund!! All proceeds raised, including all registration costs, are going right back to our neighbors in need!

We want to thank all the teams participating this year. This is one of NENA's biggest events of the year and one that the neighborhood looks forward to the most. It wouldn't be possible with all the support and excitement that call Nokomis East home, but also those from outside the neighborhood and getting to show them how great this area is! And an equally big thank you to all of the volunteers who made this event possible from recruiting teams to set-up to the umpires. THANK YOU!

Thank you so much for everyone who competed, including The One Kick Wonders!

We plan to keep growing this event and CANNOT WAIT until next year for it to be even bigger and better!

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